Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Hello everyone. Its Jordan. this is the blog i will be using to update everyone on what im doing while out of the country. Im very excited and since i will have my laptop, camera and internet i should be able to post lots of entries to entertain you all.

I recently sent out all my student visa information to the study abroad group and am waiting for my passport and my new visa to return to me. It made me really nervous to send my passport via mail, but it is certified mail. hopefully i wont have any problems. mom bought me a money belt and plug converters this weekend. so.. thats two things off on my to do list... hahaha.

anyways.. i will probly do little updating posts in the months leading up to leaving too. but just wanted to make sure i found a blog that was good and easy to use.

1 comment:

jordan4d said...

hi jordan. its jordan. but this is jordans photography blog.